Bloomberg Interview: GigsRemote co-founder talks about the future of work
Plamen Tsekov, co-founder of GigsRemote shares insights about our platform, and freelance and remote work in the IT domain with Bloomberg TV Bulgaria.
Some of the topics covered in the interview:- How did GigsRemote start?
- What were the challenges that COVID introduced in the IT market?
- What is the model of the future of work?
- What is GigsRemote?
- What are the trends in the Bulgarian and Global IT markets?
- Traditional employment models don't work as well anymore. There is a growing gap between what people expect and what they actually get. From a financial perspective, as growth opportunities, or as the desired engagement model.
- The freelancer model provides more flexible work options. People are not concentrated in one location, in one city. In some cases, they can start working much faster.
- The office is no longer the primary place where the main work process is based - it is a place where people go to meet and socialize.
Watch the interview here (in Bulgarian):
If you are interested in hearing our perspective on flexible work models, schedule a meeting by clicking here.